
How to find out?!?!

Wow does time seems to be flying by these days! So many big things have been happening around here... My work and travel paperwork have both come (early) as well as our interview date with immigration, PTL. Oh and the baby has started to kick. What!? Yes Finshep is strong and well, kicking up a storm... day and night :) What an awesome experience to feel your child. What I might consider not so "awesome" not fitting into any of your clothes, including underwear! Are you serious? Call me crazy but never did this cross my mind. Back to the good stuff... So before we know it it will be ULTRA SOUND TIME!! And this is the BIGGY!! We will be seeing Dr.B for our detailed 20 week ultrasound. I'll be checking the ears, (I've been praying over them) I believe my issue with ears might have come from childhood? Perhaps my sisters singing "M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E" (reffering to my ears!) before I could spell caused this deep need to pray over my child's ears? Besides the ears I might be keeping an eye out for something else. We are pretty sure we want to know what this small child is so now we just have to figure out how we want to find out. We've been tossing around the idea of taking the envelope to a store and having the clerk tell us which outfit to buy (pink or blue) I am however open to any ideas you may have!!! We have a week to go, so let me know what you think! Excited to hear some new ideas :)



  1. Have your doctor call the Nana, tell me what it is and I'll wrap it up for you for a Christmas gift!! :)) kisses!

  2. How fun and exciting! Congrats on making it half way, mama. :)

    You and Kenny could go out for a nice dinner alone, give your sealed envelope to your server, and then order a piece of chocolate cake for dessert. You could ask your server to top the cake with fresh blueberries for a boy, strawberries for a girl.

    Thinking of you two lots! *hugs*

  3. Oh I like that Brianna!!!!! I am going to pass that by Kenny for sure! Thank you :)
