
Introducing ..... Shepherd Phoenix Charles Skadal

For 38 weeks of pregnancy I wondered and prayed about the day our Son would be born. I had fears... crazy fears. Like he would get stuck and never come out like the woman who was pregnant for 50 years! And I had normal fears like, HOW he was going to come out. All in all at the beginning, middle and end of the day when I prayed over this very special day I asked God for a Supernatural Blessed Birth. And friends let me tell you, I asked and he gave. Our birth day was perfect. I was 6 cm when we made it to the hospital, with assistance from my doctor my water was broken. A quick 4 1/2 hours later I was holding my beautiful baby. The peace of God in the room was amazing. We played the new Hillsong Aftermath CD, Brianna our Doula coached me, and Kenny my hero held my hand.. and leg ;) while offering me the most amazing emotional support. Shepherd was born April 5th at 10:34pm. Weighing 7 lbs 12 onces (most of which was hair, just like his cousin Geneva) and he was 20.5 inches long. After a week in the NICU (for breathing issues) we were thrilled to take our man home! I would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have prayed for my family. We are truly blessed. We love you.