
Three Cups: Book Review

Three Cups
Story By Tony Townsley
Written by Mark St. Germain

Book Description

Teaching children how to save, spend, and be charitable can be as simple as 1, 2, 3.
All parents want to teach their children good money habits from an early age. Many start by giving them an allowance. But it’s equally important to teach children a positive, generous attitude as they learn to use money responsibly.
Filled with warm, memorable illustrations by award-winning painter, April Willy, Three Cups is the story of one family’s unique and effective method of teaching personal financial management—and how one boy reaped first the small, then the immeasurably great rewards of the lessons he learned.
Families will be delighted with the heart-warming tale and want to integrate the three-cup system in their own children’s lives.

My Review

What a great idea to teach kids early about money management! I give the idea of 3 cups a BIG thumbs up. This book about it however not so much. I found the book to be geared toward parents or adults rather than children. The nice illustrations are dark and give the feel of a coffee house book, not a children's book. And I feel the story itself was not realistic. I have yet to meet a child who simply forgets about the money they are saving. "Every Saturday, week after week, I got excited when it was time to put my allowance into three cups. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... I forgot about the money."
I would reccomend teaching your children about saving. spending and giving, however I would not reccomend using this book to do it.

You can purchase Three Cups by clicking HERE
***I received a complimentary copy of this book, courtesy of Booksneeze.com, for the purpose of review on this blog. All opinions expressed are my own, and I have not been compensated in any other manner***


Pumpkin Patch Baby

Today we went to the Tarrytown  United Methodist Church to check out there pumpkin patch. The lady running the patch was very sweet, she even gave Shep his first pumpkin :) Too bad the little buddy wasn't feeling like himself :(  We still had so much fun! A definite must do next year!