
Just Bitten... Not as Glamerous as Jess Biel makes it sound

Well... It has happend. I'm still trying to figure out why? Why me? Why now? Why Shep, Why???
Last night we were carrying out our evening routine when the little man decided to try something new. Let me tell you IT HURT!!!!!!!! All 3 times!!! Didn't get any better this morning :( He tried it again! Ah what to do!?!
I found out two weeks ago that he doesn't know how to drink from a bottle and lets be honest I don't wanna give him a bottle. I don't wanna clean the bottles. I don't wanna pump. And DO NOT want to have to buy formula! Let's get this straight I have nothing against giving formula if you have to. I just really don't want to pay the big bucks at the store for it.
So I am asking for your advice and prayers. Please Give! Click HERE to hear what other Mama's at babycenter.com  are saying about it.

1 comment:

  1. When Lura bit me, I read up on it and tried what they said... took it away and made an overexagerated ouchie face at her. I was told to try to not yelp in pain... it will either scare him and he wont want to eat any more, or he will think the noise you made was funny and try to get you to make it again. Babies can read facial expressions very well and he should get the picture. Good Luck!
