
Oh we wait....

So while talking to my mom this morning I realized I have officially fallen into the quiet zone. I believe it was your fault, well at least fess up you started it! See once I discovered I was dilating I also quickly discovered that I could no longer casually call you or anyone else. Seemed like everyone answered with an out of breath excitement which I would quickly crush with the response "no he's not coming, I just called to chat" . This is also about the time I realized that just like his father people are far more interested in the men in my life than they are with me...lol. Well, since I've entered into this new zone of silence chances are I haven't shared much news with you. So here it goes!
We are currently learning how to count... slowly. At 37 weeks 3 Days (this past Monday) I was now a FULL (if you have ever impatiently waited to dilate you know how important the FULL is) 2 CM and almost completely thinned out. This baby is low. Don't need a Doctor to tell me that though! Check out these two recent pictures, and you'll see what I mean :)

Taken on March 17th, the birthday of my cousin as well as my nephew. Silly me I thought we had a chance!

Don't let the smile fool ya! This was this past weekend. My poor photographer had to suffer through this photo shoot. At this point no lighting or angle could help me! 


Baby Shower # 2

Awesome Diaper Cake!

Take home Chocolate Bars with Shep's name on them! So cute!!

Amazing Cup Cakes!

Shep's Mom's Friends :)

The amazing hosts! Awesome friends!

Shep's friends came too! Ann Marie came with her mom Lindsey
Liam Came with his favorite ladies!

Charlotte came with her mom Nikki!
Last Wednesday some of the sweetest girls I know hosted Shep and I a beautiful baby shower at Maudie's. We had a great time, beautiful weather, great food and amazing company. Thank you to all our awesome friends who are the most amazing blessing in our lives. We love you!!!